Canciones en inglés

Canciones en inglés que te permitirán a través de los ejercicios mejorar tu capacidad de comprensión del inglés hablado (cantado). Descubre la palabra en la letra de la canción en inglés
Ejercicio sobre canciones en inglés que te permiten afinar la comprensión del idioma inglés divirtiéndote con tus canciones favoritas!
Encuentra las palabras de la letra de la canción en inglés intentando entenderlas desde el audio. Hay varios niveles de dificultad para todos los niveles de inglés
  • shape
  • shape

backstreet boys - shape of my heart


Find the missing word

Encuentra las palabras de la letra de la canción en inglés intentando entenderlas desde el audio

Baby, please try to forgive me
Stay here don't put out the glow
Hold me now don't 1
If every minute it makes me weaker
You can save me from the man that I've 2
Oh yeah

Looking back on the things I've done
I was 3 to be someone
Played my part, kept you in the dark
Now let me 4 you the shape of my heart

Sadness is beautiful
Loneliness is tragical
So help me I can't win 5 war
Oh no
Touch me now don't bother
If every second it makes me weaker
You can 6 me from the man I've become

Looking back on the things I've 7
I was trying to be someone
Played my part, kept you in the dark
Now let me show you the 8 of my heart

I'm here with my confession
Got nothing to hide no more
I don't know 9 to start
But to show you the shape of my heart
I'm looking back on things I've done
I never 10 play the same old part
Keep you in the dark
Now let me show you the shape of my heart

Looking back on the things I've done
I was trying to be someone (trying to be someone)
Played my part, kept you in the dark
Now let me show you the shape of my heart (Now let me show you the true shape of my heart)
Looking back on the things I've done
I was trying to be someone
Played my part, kept you in the dark
Now let me show you the shape of my heart
Show you the shape of my heart
  • Palabra correcta - 1 punto

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