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  • shape
  • shape

Definizione monolingua



volume (plural volumes)

  1. A unit of three dimensional measure of space that comprises a length, a width and a height. It is measured in units of cubic centimeters in metric, cubic inches or cubic feet in English measurement. (The room is 9x12x8, so its volume is 864 cubic feet.)
  2. Strength of sound. Measured in decibels. (Please turn down the volume on the stereo.)
  3. The issues of a periodical over a period of one year. (I looked at this weeks copy of the magazine. It was volume 23, issue 45.)
  4. A single book of a publication issued in multi-book format, such as an encyclopedia. (The letter ""G"" was found in volume 4.)
  5. A synonym for quantity. (The volume of ticket sales decreased this week.)
  6. (economics) The total supply of money in circulation or, less frequently, total amount of credit extended, within a specified national market or worldwide.
  7. (computing) An accessible storage area with a single file system, typically resident on a single partition of a hard disk.

Definizione dizionario volume

  unit of three dimensional measure that consists of a length, a width and a height
  strength of sound
  issues of a periodical over a period of one year
  single book of a publication issued in multi-book format, such as an encyclopedia
  synonym for quantity
  Ciascuna parte di un'opera maggiore.
  Part of a larger published work.
  The loudness of an audio signal.
  The amount of threedimensional space occupied by an object.
  Ciascuna parte di un'opera maggiore.
  Part of a larger published work.
livello di percezione sonora
  The magnitude of the physiological sensation produced by a sound, which varies directly with the physical intensity of sound but also depends on frequency of sound and waveform.

Altri significati:
  volume (sound)
  (computing) An accessible storage area with a single file system, typically resident on a single partition of a hard disk.
  (speaking) volume
  portion (of food)
  reel (of film)
  A single book of a publication issued in multi-book format, such as an encyclopedia. (The letter "G" was found in volume 4.)
  volume (of book)
  (economics) The total supply of money in circulation or, less frequently, total amount of credit extended, within a specified national market or worldwide.
  A unit of three dimensional measure of space that comprises a length, a width and a height. It is measured in units of cubic centimeters in metric, cubic inches or cubic feet in English measurement. (The room is 9x12x8, so its volume is 864 cubic feet.)
  Strength of sound. Measured in decibels. (Please turn down the volume on the stereo.)
  The issues of a periodical over a period of one year. (I looked at this week's copy of the magazine. It was volume 23, issue 45.)
  A synonym for quantity. (The volume of ticket sales decreased this week.)

Traduzione volume

volume ,tomo ,contenuto ,libro ,livello di percezione sonora

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