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  • shape
  • shape

Definizione monolingua



represent (third-person singular simple present represents, present participle representing, simple past and past participle represented)

  1. To present again or anew; to present by means of something standing in the place of; to exhibit the counterpart or image of; to typify.
  2. To portray by pictorial or plastic art; to delineate; as, to represent a landscape in a picture, a horse in bronze, and the like.
  3. To portray by mimicry or action of any kind; to act the part or character of; to personate; as, to represent Hamlet.
  4. To stand in the place of; to supply the place, perform the duties, exercise the rights, or receive the share, of; to speak and act with authority in behalf of; to act the part of (another); as, an heir represents his ancestor; an attorney represents his client in court; a member of Congress represents his district in Congress.
  5. To exhibit to another mind in language; to show; to give ones own impressions and judgement of; to bring before the mind; to set forth; sometimes, to give an account of; to describe.
    He represented that he was investigating for the police department.
  6. To serve as a sign or symbol of; as, mathematical symbols represent quantities or relations; words represent ideas or things.
  7. To bring a sensation of into the mind or sensorium; to cause to be known, felt, or apprehended; to present.
  8. To form or image again in consciousness, as an object of cognition or apprehension (something presentative, which was originally apprehended by direct presentation).

Definizione dizionario represent

  to stand in the place of
  To portray by pictoral or plastic art.
  Costituire o dare valore, importanza ad una cosa, una condizione o una circostanza.

Altri significati:
  to portray by pictorial or plastic art
  To bring a sensation of into the mind or sensorium; to cause to be known, felt, or apprehended; to present.
  To present again or anew; to present by means of something standing in the place of; to exhibit the counterpart or image of; to typify.
  To exhibit to another mind in language; to show; to give one's own impressions and judgement of; to bring before the mind; to set forth; sometimes, to give an account of; to describe.
  To stand in the place of; to supply the place, perform the duties, exercise the rights, or receive the share, of; to speak and act with authority in behalf of; to act the part of (another); as, an heir represents his ancestor; an attorney represents his client in court; a member of Congress represents his district in Congress.
  to serve as a sign or symbol of
  To portray by pictorial or plastic art; to delineate; as, to represent a landscape in a picture, a horse in bronze, and the like.
  To stand in the place of someone or something.
  To portray by mimicry or action of any kind; to act the part or character of; to personate; as, to represent Hamlet.
  To form or image again in consciousness, as an object of cognition or apprehension (something presentative, which was originally apprehended by direct presentation).
  To serve as a sign or symbol of; as, mathematical symbols represent quantities or relations; words represent ideas or things.
  to portray by mimicry or action of any kind
  to present again or anew

Traduzione represent

rappresentare ,descrivere ,dichiarare ,dipingere ,esprimere

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