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  • shape
  • shape

Definizione monolingua



remainder (third-person singular simple present remainders, present participle remaindering, simple past and past participle remaindered)

  1. (commerce) To mark or declare items left unsold as subject to reduction in price.
    The bookstore remaindered the unsold copies of that book at the end of summer at a reduced price.

remainder (plural remainders)

  1. A part or parts remaining after some has/have been removed.
    My son ate part of his cake and I ate the remainder.
    You can have the remainder of my clothes.
    • 1992, Rudolf M. Schuster, The Hepaticae and Anthocerotae of North America: East of the Hundredth Meridian, volume V, page viii
      Thirdly, I continue to attempt to interdigitate the taxa in our flora with taxa of the remainder of the world.
  2. (mathematics) The amount left over after subtracting the divisor as many times as possible from the dividend without producing a negative result. If n. (dividend) and d (divisor) are integers, then n. can always be expressed in the form n = dq + r, where q (quotient) and r (remainder) are also integers and 0 ? r < d.
    17 leaves a remainder of 2 when divided by 3.
    11 divided by 2 is 5 remainder 1.
  3. (mathematics) The number left over after a simple subtraction
    10 minus 4 leaves a remainder of 6
  4. (commerce) Excessive stock items left unsold and subject to reduction in price.
    I got a really good price on this shirt because it was a remainder.
  5. (law) An estate in expectancy which only comes in its heirs possession after an estate created by the same instrument has been determined

remainder (not comparable)

  1. remaining

Definizione dizionario remainder

  In matematica, valore ottenuto dalla sottrazione di una quantità da un'altra.
  In mathematics, the result of the "remainder" operation.

Altri significati:
  (commerce) Excessive stock items left unsold and subject to reduction in price.
  (bank) balance
  (commerce) To mark or declare items left unsold as subject to reduction in price.
  (law) An estate in expectancy which only comes in its heir's possession after an estate created by the same instrument has been determined
  mathematics: amount left over after repeatedly subtracting the divisor
  items left unsold and subject to reduction in price
  (mathematics) The amount left over after subtracting the divisor as many times as possible from the dividend without producing a negative result. If '''n.''' (dividend) and '''d''' (divisor) are integers, then '''n.''' can always be expressed in the form '''n = dq + r''' , where '''q''' (quotient) and '''r''' ( remainder ) are also integers and 0 ? '''r''' < '''d''' .
  what remains after some has been removed
  A part or parts remaining after some has/have been removed.
  (mathematics) The number left over after a simple subtraction
  mathematics: number left over after a simple subtraction

Traduzione remainder

resto ,avanzo ,residuale ,liquidare ,residuo

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