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Definizione monolingua



rejoice (third-person singular simple present rejoices, present participle rejoicing, simple past and past participle rejoiced)

  1. (intransitive) To be very happy, be delighted, exult; to feel joy. [from 14th c.]
    • 1748, David Hume, Enquiries concerning the human understanding and concerning the principles of moral, Oxford University Press, 1973, § 6:
      Obscurity, indeed, is painful to the mind as well as to the eye ; but to bring light from obscurity, by whatever labour, must needs to be delightful and rejoicing.
  2. (obsolete, transitive) To have (someone) as a lover or spouse; to enjoy sexually. [15th-16th c.]
    • 1485, Sir Thomas Malory, Le Morte Darthur, Book VI:
      But hit is noysed that ye love Quene Gwenyvere, and that she hath ordeyned by enchauntemente that ye shall never love none other but hir, nother none other damesell ne lady shall rejoyce you [...].
  3. (transitive) To make happy, exhilarate. [from 15th c.]
    • 1982, Lawrence Durrell, Constance, Faber & Faber 2004 (Avignon Quintet), p. 790-1:
      But good news awaited them in the form of permission to travel about the area replenishing medical stocks in hospitals and clinics, and this task was delegated to Constance, as the newcomer, a fact which rejoiced her.

Definizione dizionario rejoice


Altri significati:
  (transitive) To make happy, exhilarate. [from 15th c.]
  (obsolete, transitive) To have (someone) as a lover or spouse; to enjoy sexually. [15th-16th c.]
  (intransitive) To be very happy, be delighted, exult; to feel joy. [from 14th c.]
  make happy
  be happy

Traduzione rejoice

allietare ,divertirsi ,esultare ,gioire ,giubilare

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