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Definizione monolingua



justifiability (countable and uncountable; plural justifiabilities)

  1. The property of being justifiable.
    • 1795 January 27??, William Woodfall et al., The Parliamentary Regi?ter; or, An Impartial Report of the Debates that occur in the Two Hou?es of Parliament, in the Cour?e of the Fifth Se??ion of the Seventeenth Parliament of Great Britain, called to meet at We?tmin?ter, on Tue?day the 30th of December 1794, volume I (London: published by T. Chapman, ? 151, Fleet-Street; 1795), page 443
      War, with re?pec?t to its ju?tifiability, like many other matters, was that on which men would decide by their moral and religious views of the ?ubjec?t.
    • 2008 October 14??, Ernest Sosa, “Boghossian’s Fear of Knowledge” (pages 399–407) in Philosophical Studies CXLI:iii (December 2008), page 403
      If (a) absolute epistemic facts could not exist without being justifiable (the justifiability constraint), and if (b) one would not be justified in upholding one’s own epistemic system when faced with an actually advocated genuine alternative, then, in my view, (c) we are not much better off if such advocates are possible but just happen not to be actual.

Definizione dizionario justifiability

Altri significati:
  The property of being justifiable.

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