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Definizione monolingua



fetch (third-person singular simple present fetches, present participle fetching, simple past and past participle fetched, or (archaic) fetcht)

  1. To retrieve; to bear towards; to go get.
    • 1908: Kenneth Grahame, The Wind in the Willows
      When they got home, the Rat made a bright fire in the parlour, and planted the Mole in an arm-chair in front of it, having fetched down a dressing-gown and slippers for him, and told him river stories till supper-time.
  2. To obtain as price or equivalent; to sell for.
    If you put some new tyres on it, and clean it up a bit, the car should fetch about $ 5.000
  3. (nautical) To bring or get within reach by going; to reach; to arrive at; to attain; to reach by sailing.
  4. (intransitive) To bring ones self; to make headway; to veer; as, to fetch about; to fetch to windward.

fetch (plural fetches)

  1. The object of fetching; the source and origin of attraction; a force, quality or propensity which is attracting eg., in a given attribute of person, place, object, principle, etc.
  2. A stratagem by which a thing is indirectly brought to pass, or by which one thing seems intended and another is done; a trick; an artifice.
    • (Can we date this quote?) South:
      Every little fetch of wit and criticism.
  3. The apparition of a living person; a wraith; ones double (seeing it is supposed to be a sign that one is fey or fated to die)
    • ... but see only the ""fetch"" or double of one of them, foretelling her death. — The Atlantic Book of Modern Plays, 1921
    • (Can we date this quote?) Dickens:
      The very fetch and ghost of Mrs. Gamp.

Definizione dizionario fetch

Traduzione fetch

portare ,riportare ,valere ,andare a prendere ,condurre

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