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Definizione monolingua



falsehood (countable and uncountable; plural falsehoods)

  1. (uncountable) The property of being false.
    • 1976, Willard Van Orman Quine, The Ways of Paradox, and other essays, page 89:
      Every such idiom is what is known as a truth function, and is characterized by the fact that the truth or falsehood of the complex statement which it generates is uniquely determined by the truth or falsehood of the several statements which it combines.
  2. (countable) A false statement, especially an intentional one; a lie
    Dont tell falsehoods.
  3. (archaic, rare) Mendacity, deceitfulness; the trait of a person who is mendacious and deceitful.
    • 1817, Robert Stevenson, Scripture Portraits, volume 1, page 155:
    • 1963, M. Arthur Macauliffe, The Sikh Religion: its Gurus, Sacred Writings and Authors, page 7:
      O mortal, eschew falsehood and flattery. Death flayeth and killeth the false one: The apostate suffereth for his falsehood and pride; he is tormented in both worlds. Renounce slander and envy of others.
    • 1984, Witness Lee, Life-Study: Revelation: Volume Three: Messages 34-50, Living Stream Ministry (1999), ISBN 978-0-7363-0659-1, page 511:
      The false prophet looks like a lamb, but speaks like a dragon. This indicates his falsehood. […] He will pretend to be the same as Christ.
    • 2006,, Jacki Lyden, “Italian Pop Star Takes on U.S. Music Market”, NPR All Things Considered:?
      Lyden: That was wonderful. Could I read just what is the refrain here in English? Ms-Consoli: Yeah. Lyden: Look into my eyes. Take off all falsehood. The aura of pureness reveals fiendish anomalies. And you know what I mean

Definizione dizionario falsehood

Traduzione falsehood

menzogna ,bugia ,falsità ,menzognero ,falso

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