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  • shape
  • shape

Definizione monolingua



essential (plural essentials)

  1. A necessary ingredient.
  2. A fundamental ingredient.

essential (comparative more essential, superlative most essential)

  1. Necessary.
  2. Very important; of high importance.
  3. Being in the basic form; showing its essence.
    Don’t mind him being grumpy. That’s the essential Fred.
  4. (of a lamination of a 3-manifold) Such that each complementary region is irreducible, the boundary of each complementary region is incompressible by disks and monogons in the complementary region, and no leaf is a sphere or a torus bounding a solid torus in the manifold.
  5. (medicine) Idiopathic.

Definizione dizionario essential

  Di fondamentale importanza.
  Of basic importance.
  Qualcosa che è assolutamente necessario e di cui non si può fare a meno.
  Needed for a purpose or a reason.

Altri significati:
  (medicine) Idiopathic.
  of high importance
  in basic form
  (of a lamination of a 3-manifold) Such that each complementary region is irreducible, the boundary of each complementary region is incompressible by disks and monogons in the complementary region, and no leaf is a sphere or a torus bounding a solid torus in the manifold.
  Being in the basic form; showing its essence.
  Very important; of high importance.
  A necessary ingredient.
  necessary ingredient
  fundamental ingredient
  A fundamental ingredient.

Traduzione essential

cruciale ,indispensabile ,essenziale ,fondamentale ,importante

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