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  • shape
  • shape

Definizione monolingua



eatable (plural eatables)

  1. Anything edible
  2. (in the plural) food

eatable (comparative more eatable, superlative most eatable)

  1. Able to be eaten; edible.
    • 1847, Emily Brontë, Wuthering Heights, Chapter XIII,
      The contents of the pan began to boil, and he turned to plunge his hand into the bowl; I conjectured that this preparation was probably for our supper, and, being hungry, I resolved it should be eatable;
    • 1891, Alfred Russel Wallace, Natural selection and tropical nature, page 399,
      When the seeds are larger, softer, and more eatable, they are protected by an excessively hard and stony covering, as in the plum and peach tribe ; or they are enclosed in a tough horny core, as with crabs and apples.
    • 1911, Baboon, article in Encyclopædia Britannica Eleventh Edition,
      Their diet includes practically everything eatable they can capture or kill.

Definizione dizionario eatable

  That can be eaten without harm, non-toxic to humans; suitable for consumption.

Altri significati:
  Able to be eaten; edible.
  (in the plural) food
  Anything edible

Traduzione eatable

commestibile ,edule ,mangiabile

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