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  • shape
  • shape

Definizione monolingua



canine (plural canines)

  1. A dog or wolf, as distinct from a fox, which is a vulpine.
  2. In heterodont mammals, the pointy tooth between the incisors and the premolars; a cuspid.
  3. (poker slang) A king and a nine as a starting hand in Texas hold em due to phonetic similarity

canine (not comparable)

  1. Of, or pertaining to, a dog or dogs.
    • 1913, Sax Rohmer, The Insidious Dr. Fu Manchu, ch. 8,
      We carried the dog round to the yard, and I examined his head. . . . I accepted the care of the canine patient.
  2. Dog-like.
    • 1891, Arthur Quiller-Couch, ""The Affair of Bleakirk-on-Sands,"" Noughts & Crosses,
      In many respects she made me an admirable wife. Her affection for me was canine—positively.
  3. (anatomy) Of or pertaining to mammalian teeth which are cuspids or fangs.
    • 1872, Charles Darwin, Expression of Emotion in Man and Animals, ch. 10,
      Then his upper lip may be seen to be raised, especially at the corners, so that his huge canine teeth are exhibited.

Definizione dizionario canine

  pertaining to dogs

Altri significati:
  (poker slang) A king and a nine as a starting hand in Texas hold 'em due to phonetic similarity
  In heterodont mammals, the pointy tooth between the incisors and the premolars; a cuspid.
  (anatomy) Of or pertaining to mammalian teeth which are cuspids or fangs.
  Of, or pertaining to, a dog or dogs.
  A dog or wolf, as distinct from a fox, which is a vulpine.
  canine (tooth)

Traduzione canine


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