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  • shape
  • shape

Definizione monolingua




  1. first-person singular present indicative of calibrer
  2. third-person singular present indicative of calibrer
  3. first-person singular present subjunctive of calibrer
  4. first-person singular present subjunctive of calibrer
  5. second-person singular imperative of calibrer

calibre (plural calibres) (UK, Canada)

  1. Diameter of the bore of a firearm, typically measured between opposite lands.
  2. The diameter of round or cylindrical body, as of a bullet, a projectile, or a column.
  3. A nominal name for a cartridge type, which may not exactly indicate its true size and may include other measurements such as cartridge length or black powder capacity. Eg 7.62x39 or 38.40.
  4. Unit of measure used to express the length of the bore of a weapon. The number of calibres is determined by dividing the length of the bore of the weapon, from the breech face of the tube to the muzzle, by the diameter of its bore. A gun tube the bore of which is 40 feet (480 inches) long and 12 inches in diameter is said to be 40 calibers long.
  5. (figuratively) Relative size, importance, magnitude.
    • 1960, P. G. Wodehouse, Jeeves in the Offing, chapter XIII:
      A snort of about the calibre of an explosion in an ammunition dump escaped my late fathers sister.
  6. (figuratively) Capacity or compass of mind.
  7. (dated): Degree of importance or station in society.

Definizione dizionario calibre

  Diameter of the bore of a firearm.

Altri significati:
  Unit of measure used to express the length of the bore of a weapon. The number of calibres is determined by dividing the length of the bore of the weapon, from the breech face of the tube to the muzzle, by the diameter of its bore. A gun tube the bore of which is 40 feet (480 inches) long and 12 inches in diameter is said to be 40 calibers long.
  (figuratively) Relative size, importance, magnitude.
  (figuratively) Capacity or compass of mind.
  (dated): Degree of importance or station in society.
  Diameter of round or cylindrical body, as of a bullet, projectile or column
  Figuratively: Capacity or compass of mind
  Unit of measure of the length of the bore of a weapon
  The diameter of round or cylindrical body, as of a bullet, a projectile, or a column.
  Diameter of the bore of a firearm
  Diameter of the bore of a firearm. In rifled firearm barrels the calibre is obtained by measuring between opposite lands. A calibre 0.45 revolver has a barrel with a land diameter 45/100 of an inch. The metric equivalent is 11.43 millimeters.

Traduzione calibre

calibro ,levatura

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