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  • shape
  • shape

Definizione monolingua



board (third-person singular simple present boards, present participle boarding, simple past and past participle boarded)

  1. (transitive) To step or climb onto or otherwise enter a ship, aircraft, train or other conveyance.
    It is time to board the aircraft.
  2. (transitive) To provide someone with meals and lodging, usually in exchange for money.
  3. (transitive) To receive meals and lodging in exchange for money.
  4. (transitive) (nautical) To capture an enemy ship by going alongside and grappling her, then invading her with a boarding party
  5. (intransitive) To obtain meals, or meals and lodgings, statedly for compensation
  6. (transitive, now rare) To approach (someone); to make advances to, accost.
    • 1590, Edmund Spenser, The Faerie Queene, II.iv:
      Ere long with like againe he boorded mee, / Saying, he now had boulted all the floure [...].
  7. To hit (someone) with a wooden board.

board (plural boards)

  1. A relatively long, wide and thin piece of sawn wood or similar material, usually intended for use in construction.
  2. A device (e.g., switchboard) containing electrical switches and other controls and designed to control lights, sound, telephone connections, etc.
  3. Short for blackboard, whiteboard, chessboard, surfboard, etc.
  4. A committee that manages the business of an organization, e.g., a board of directors.
    We have to wait to hear back from the board.
  5. (uncountable) Regular meals or the amount paid for them in a place of lodging.
    Room and board
  6. (nautical) The side of a ship.
  7. (nautical) The distance a sailing vessel runs between tacks when working to windward
  8. (basketball, slang) A rebound.
  9. (ice hockey) The wall that surrounds an ice hockey rink, often in plural.
  10. (archaic) A long, narrow table, like that used in a medieval dining hall.

Definizione dizionario board

  Pezzo piatto di materiale predisposto per uno scopo preciso.
  A flat piece of material designed for a special purpose.
  Un pezzo di legno o di materiale simile, che é stato segato in una forma regolare, utilizzato per una costruzione.
  A piece of wood or similar material that has been sawn into a regular shape, usually in preparation for using it in some sort of construction.
  Organo consultivo e deliberativo composto da più persone, nazionale o internazionale, privato o pubblico, con funzioni varie.
  Consulting or decisive insititution, composed of more than one person, national or international, private or public, with different scopes.
  Entrare nei treni, autobus, battelli, aerei, ecc.
  To enter trains, buses, ships, aircraft, etc.
  Circuito stampato che può essere inserito nella fessura di espansione di un computer per ampliare la capacità dello stesso.
  A printed circuit that can be inserted into expansion slots in a computer to increase the computer's capabilities.
  An electronic module consisting of chips and other electronic components mounted on a flat, rigid substrate on which conductive paths are laid between the components. A personal computer contains a main board, called the motherboard, which usually has the microprocessor on it and slots into which other, smaller boards, called cards or adapters, can be plugged to expand the functionality of the main system, allowing connections to monitors, disk drives, or a network.
  Circuito stampato che può essere inserito nella fessura di espansione di un computer per ampliare la capacità dello stesso.
  A printed circuit that can be inserted into expansion slots in a computer to increase the computer's capabilities.
  Gruppo di persone, generalmente delegate da terzi, che si riunisce per la realizzazione di fini comuni di un'organizzazione.
  A committee that manages some business of an organization.
  Dispositivo elettrico che consiste pannello che contiene interruttori e quadranti che gli altri dispositivi elettrici di un'edificio.
  An electrical device consisting of an insulated panel containing switches and dials and meters for controlling other electrical devices.
organo di gestione
  L'insieme dei funzionari che in una società hanno la funzione di gestire la società stessa.
  All representatives in a company that have the assignment to administrate the company itself.
  Schermo sul quale vengono pubblicate diverse informazioni per il pubblico.
  A screen on which information can be displayed to public view.
pannello di controllo
  Dispositivo elettrico che consiste pannello che contiene interruttori e quadranti che gli altri dispositivi elettrici di un'edificio.
  An electrical device consisting of an insulated panel containing switches and dials and meters for controlling other electrical devices.
  Schermo sul quale vengono pubblicate diverse informazioni per il pubblico.
  A screen on which information can be displayed to public view.
salire a bordo

Altri significati:
  device containing electrical switches
  nautical: to capture an enemy ship
  (intransitive) To obtain meals, or meals and lodgings, statedly for compensation
  to provide someone with meals and lodging
  (transitive, now rare) To approach (someone); to make advances to, accost.
  A device (e.g., switchboard) containing electrical switches and other controls and designed to control lights, sound, telephone connections, etc.
  (basketball, slang) A rebound.
  Food or meals in general.
  (transitive) To step or climb onto or otherwise enter a ship, aircraft, train or other conveyance.
  board (e.g. cardboard, pasteboard)
  Short for blackboard, whiteboard, chessboard, surfboard, etc.
  piece of wood
  (transitive) To provide someone with meals and lodging, usually in exchange for money.
  (nautical) The distance a sailing vessel runs between tacks when working to windward
  To hit (someone) with a wooden board.
  (ice hockey) The wall that surrounds an ice hockey rink, often in plural.
  wall surrounding ice hockey rink
  (uncountable) Regular meals or the amount paid for them in a place of lodging.
  blackboard, whiteboard etc
  A relatively long, wide and thin piece of sawn wood or similar material, usually intended for use in construction.
  to receive meals and lodging in exchange for money
  side of a ship
  (transitive) (nautical) To capture an enemy ship by going alongside and grappling her, then invading her with a boarding party
  basketball: a rebound
  (nautical) The side of a ship.
  to step or climb
  nautical: a distance
  man (a ship)
  (transitive) To receive meals and lodging in exchange for money.
  (archaic) A long, narrow table, like that used in a medieval dining hall.
  amount paid for meals and lodging
  A committee that manages the business of an organization, e.g., a board of directors.
  board (e.g. in shogi)

Traduzione board

asse ,tavola ,consiglio ,imbarcarsi ,scheda

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