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Definizione monolingua



awash (comparative more awash, superlative most awash)

  1. Washed by the waves or tide; said of a rock or strip of shore, or of an anchor, etc., when flush with the surface of the water, so that the waves break over it.
    • 1904, Jack London, The Sea-Wolf, ch. 39,
      The deck was continually awash with the sea which came inboard over the rail and through the scuppers.
  2. (by extension) Covered, overspread.
    • 2005, Chris Ramirez, 2nd find excites museum diggers,"" The Arizona Republic, 26 Aug,
      The Valley landscape was more awash with greenery some 11,000 years ago.
    • 2011 September 2, Phil McNulty, “Bulgaria 0-3 England”, BBC:
      Bulgarias only attacking weapon was the wayward shooting of Martin Petrov, whereas Englands attacking options were awash with movement in the shape of Rooney, Young and Walcott.

Definizione dizionario awash

  Overflowing with water.

Altri significati:
  Washed by the waves or tide; said of a rock or strip of shore, or of an anchor, etc., when flush with the surface of the water, so that the waves break over it.
  (by extension) Covered, overspread.
  Washed by the waves or tide

Traduzione awash

allagato ,inondato

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