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Definizione monolingua



assiduous (comparative more assiduous, superlative most assiduous)

  1. Hard-working, diligent or regular (in attendance or work); industrious.
    • 1831, Sir Walter Scott, The Surgeons Daughter, ch. 2:
      He was officious in the right time and place, quiet as a lamb when his patron seemed inclined to study or to muse, active and assiduous to assist or divert him whenever it seemed to be wished.
    • 1880, Henry James, Washington Square, ch. 33:
      He died after three weeks illness, during which Mrs. Penniman, as well as his daughter, had been assiduous at his bedside.
    • 1917, P. G. Wodehouse, ""Bill the Bloodhound"" in The Man With Two Left Feet and Other Stories:
      A good deal of assiduous attention had enabled Henry to win this place in her affections.
    • 2009, Will Pavia , ""Allen Klein, accountant turned manager of the Beatles, dies at 77,"" The Times (UK), 6 July:
      Klein rose to prominence in the 1960s by assiduous application of accounting methods to the music industry.

Definizione dizionario assiduous

  Che viene fatto con costanza e continuità.

Altri significati:
  Hard-working, diligent or regular (in attendance or work); industrious.
  hard-working, diligent

Traduzione assiduous

assiduo ,attivo ,diligente ,laborioso

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