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Definizione monolingua



arbiter (third-person singular simple present arbiters, present participle arbitering, simple past and past participle arbitered)

  1. (transitive) To act as arbiter.
    • 2003, Jean-Benoit Nadeau, Julie Barlow, Sixty Million Frenchmen Cant be Wrong: Why We Love France But Not the French, page 116
      Worse, since there was no institution to arbiter disagreements between Parliament and the government, whenever Parliament voted against the government on the smallest issues, coalitions fragmented, and governments had to be recomposed.

arbiter (plural arbiters)

  1. A person appointed, or chosen, by parties to determine a controversy between them; an arbitrator.
    • 1931, William Bennett Munro, The government of the United States, national, state, and local, page 495
      In order to protect individual liberty there must be an arbiter between the governing powers and the governed.
  2. (with of) A person or object having the power of judging and determining, or ordaining, without control; one whose power of deciding and governing is not limited.
    Television and film, not Vogue and similar magazines, are the arbiters of fashion.

Definizione dizionario arbiter

  A person appointed, or chosen, by parties to determine a controversy between them.

Altri significati:
  A person appointed, or chosen, by parties to determine a controversy between them; an arbitrator.
  determine controversy
  (With of) Any person who has the power of judging and determining, or ordaining, without control; one whose power of deciding and governing is not limited.
  judge without control
  (transitive) To act as arbiter.

Traduzione arbiter

arbitro ,giudice

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