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  • shape
  • shape

Definizione monolingua



vapour (third-person singular simple present vapours, present participle vapouring, simple past and past participle vapoured)

  1. (intransitive) To become vapour; to be emitted or circulated as vapour.
  2. (transitive) To turn into vapour.
  3. (intransitive) To use insubstantial language; to boast or bluster.
    • 1888, Rudyard Kipling, ‘The Bisara of Pooree’, Plain Tales from the Hills, Folio Society 2005, p. 172:
      He vapoured, and fretted, and fumed, and trotted up and down, and tried to make himself pleasing in Miss Holliss big, quiet, grey eyes, and failed.
    • 1904, “Saki”, ‘Reginalds Christmas Revel’, Reginald:
      then the Major gave us a graphic account of a struggle he had with a wounded bear. I privately wished that the bears would win sometimes on these occasions; at least they wouldnt go vapouring about it afterwards.
    • 1978, Lawrence Durrell, Livia, Faber & Faber 1992 (Avignon Quintet), p. 513:
      He felt he would start vapouring with devotion if this went on, so he bruptly took his leave with a cold expression on his face which dismayed her for she thought that it was due to distain for her artistic opinions.

vapour (uncountable)

  1. The gas phase component of a liquid or solid.
  2. The gaseous state of a substance that is normally a solid or liquid.

Definizione dizionario vapour

  the gas phase component of a liquid or solid

Altri significati:
  The gas phase component of a liquid or solid.
  (intransitive) To use insubstantial language; to boast or bluster.
  (intransitive) To become vapour; to be emitted or circulated as vapour.
  (transitive) To turn into vapour.
  The gaseous state of a substance that is normally a solid or liquid.

Traduzione vapour

vapore ,gas

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