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Definizione monolingua



Wikipedia roller (plural rollers)

  1. anything that rolls
  2. any rotating cylindrical device that is part of a machine, especially one used to apply or reduce pressure
  3. (cricket) a heavy rolling device used to flatten the surface of the pitch
  4. a large, wide, curling wave that falls back on itself as it breaks on a coast
  5. a cylindrical tool for applying paint or ink
  6. an agricultural machine used for flattening land and breaking up lumps of earth
  7. a tumbling pigeon
  8. any of various aggressive birds, of the family Coraciidae, having bright blue wings and hooked beaks
  9. (also written Roller) a car made by Rolls-Royce
  10. the police (old blues slang)
  11. a padded surcingle that is used on horses for training and vaulting
  12. (TV, film) A roll of titles or (especially) credits played over film or video; television or film credits.
    • 2006, Clive James, North Face of Soho, Picador 2007, p. 69:
      I learned a lot from watching, but the part that I should have studied harder was the roller. The names of the writers went on for ever.

Definizione dizionario roller


Altri significati:
  the police (old blues slang)
  tool for applying paint or ink
  (TV, film) A roll of titles or (especially) credits played over film or video; television or film credits.
  aggressive bird
  any of various aggressive birds, of the family Coraciidae, having bright blue wings and hooked beaks
  (also written Roller) a car made by Rolls-Royce
  an agricultural machine used for flattening land and breaking up lumps of earth
  a padded surcingle that is used on horses for training and vaulting
  a cylindrical tool for applying paint or ink
  any rotating cylindrical device that is part of a machine, especially one used to apply or reduce pressure
  (cricket) a heavy rolling device used to flatten the surface of the pitch
  a tumbling pigeon
  a large, wide, curling wave that falls back on itself as it breaks on a coast
  anything that rolls

Traduzione roller

cilindro ,rullo ,bigodino ,onda ,rotella

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