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  • shape
  • shape

Definizione monolingua



local (plural locals)

  1. A person who lives nearby.
    Its easy to tell the locals from the tourists.
  2. A branch of a nationwide organization such as a trade union.
    Im in the TWU, too. Local 6.
  3. (rail transport) A train that stops at all, or almost all, stations between its origin and destination, including very small ones.
    The expresses skipped my station, so I had to take a local.
  4. (UK) Ones nearest or regularly frequented public house or bar.
  5. (programming) A locally scoped identifier.
    Functional programming languages usually dont allow changing the immediate value of locals once theyve been initialized, unless theyre explicitly marked as being mutable.

local (comparative more local, superlative most local)

  1. From or in a nearby location.
    We prefer local produce.
  2. (computing, of a variable or identifier) Having limited scope (either lexical or dynamic); only being accessible within a certain portion of a program.
  3. (mathematics, not comparable, of a condition or state) Applying to each point in a space rather than the space as a whole.
  4. (medicine) Of or pertaining to a restricted part of an organism.
    The patient didnt want to be sedated, so we applied only local anesthesia.
  5. Descended from an indigenous population.
    Hawaiian Pidgin is spoken by the local population.

Definizione dizionario local

  a person who lives nearby
  of a nearby location
  a train that stops at all stations
  Of or belonging to or characteristic of a particular locality or neighbourhood.
  In information processing, an operation performed by the computer at hand rather than by a remote computer.
del luogo

Altri significati:
  (within a) city
  Descended from an indigenous population.
  (programming) A locally scoped identifier.
  (UK) One's nearest or regularly frequented public house or bar.
  math: applying to a limited space
  (medicine) Of or pertaining to a restricted part of an organism.
  From or in a nearby location.
  computing: having limited scope
  A branch of a an nationwide organization such as a trade union.
  (rail transport) A train that stops at all, or almost all, stations between its origin and destination, including very small ones.
  medicine: of or pertaining to a restricted part of an organism
  (mathematics, not comparable, of a condition or state) Applying to each point in a space rather than the space as a whole.
  A person who lives nearby.
  (computing, of a variable or identifier) Having limited scope (either lexical or dynamic); only being accessible within a certain portion of a program.

Traduzione local

locale ,del luogo ,nostrano ,prossimo ,urbano

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