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  • shape
  • shape

Definizione monolingua




  1. Simple past tense and past participle of deprecate.

deprecated (comparative more deprecated, superlative most deprecated)

  1. Strongly disapproved of.
    • 1926, H. W. Fowler, A Dictionary of Modern English Usage, page 679:
      But much more to be deprecated than all the particular departures from idiom already mentioned is the growing notion that every monosyllabic adjective, if an adverb is to be made of it, must have a -ly clapped on. to it to proclaim the fact.
  2. Belittled; insulted
  3. (computing) Obsolescent; said of a construct in a computing language considered old, and planned to be phased out, but still available for use.
    • 2002, Steven E. Callihan, Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) by Example
      Just because an element or attribute is deprecated doesnt mean that it cant be used on a webpage.
    • 1999. Raggett, Dave, et. al. HTML 4.01 Specification, Conformance: requirements and recommendations. W3C
      A deprecated element or attribute is one that has been outdated by newer constructs.

Definizione dizionario deprecated

  Pertaining to a software feature or programming object that is outdated and should not be used. A deprecated item is currently supported for backward compatibility, but it might become obsolete and unsupported in the future.

Altri significati:
  Belittled; insulted
  (computing) Obsolescent; said of a construct in a computing language considered obsolete but still available for use, though planned to be phased out.
  Strongly disapproved of.
  In the process of becoming obsolete, but not obsolete yet.
  Simple past tense and past participle of deprecate.
  computing: obsolescent

Traduzione deprecated


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