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Definizione monolingua



dearth (plural dearths)

  1. (Can we clean up(+) this sense?) A period or condition when food is rare and hence expensive; famine.
  2. (by extension) Scarcity; a lack or short supply.
    • 1608, William Shakespeare, King Lear:
      I promise you, the effects he writes of succeed unhappily: as of unnaturalness between the child and the parent; death, dearth, dissolutions of ancient amities; divisions in state, menaces and maledictions against king and nobles; needless diffidences, banishment of friends, dissipation of cohorts, nuptial breaches, and I know not what.
    • 1634, John Downame, The christian warfare, page 559:
      And faine would hee, if he could tell how, haue plentie in his own fields, and scarcity in other mens; superfluitie at home, and dearth abroade, that hee might sell his corne at the dearer rate
  3. (obsolete) Dearness; the quality of being rare or costly.
    • 1614, William Camden, Remaines, concerning Britaine: but especially England, and the ..., page 210:
      Whatsoever doth remaine for money, let Money-mongers, supply when they will. And I referre to Politicians to dispute among themselves whether the dearth of all things which most complaine of doeth proceede from plenty of gold and silver since the late discoveries, or from Monopolies, and combinations of Merchants and Craftsmen, or from Transportation of graine, or from pleasure of great personages, which doe most highly rate such things as they most like, or excesse in private persons, or to all these conjointly.
    • 1660, Church of England, “In the time of dearth and famine.”, in The Book of Common Prayer, page 21:
      O God,heavenly Father, whose gift it is that the rain doth fall, the earth is fruitfull, beasts increase, and fishes do multiply: behold, we beseech thee, the afflictions of thy people, and grant that the scarcity and dearth (which we do now most justly suffer for our iniquitie) may through thy goodness be mercifully turned into cheapness and plenty....
    • 1676, Thomas Comber, A Companion to the Temple: The litany, page 309:
      The property of Contraries is, that they become one anothers Cure, whereupon we who have suffered by scarcity and dearth, do pray to be relieved by their contraries, cheapness and plenty
    • 1826, Robert Graham, “Corn and Currency”, in , edition Second, with additions:
      In Ireland, distress is greatest when provisions are cheapest; then we see famine without dearth; hunger amidst superabundance of provisions; farmers without a market; labourers without the means of purchase.

Definizione dizionario dearth

  period when food is rare
  A lack or short supply.

Altri significati:
  (obsolete) Dearness; the quality of being rare or costly.
  (by extension) Scarcity; a lack or short supply.
  (Can we clean up <sup>(+)</sup> this sense?) A period or condition when food is rare and hence expensive; famine.

Traduzione dearth

carestia ,scarsità ,difetto ,penuria

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